How I became a massage therapist.

My Back Ground

At 16, I started a career in Electrical Engineering by being an apprentice electrical craftsman at British Steel Corporation Panteg in Pontypool. I spent 8 years at BSC Panteg, 4years as an apprentice and 4.5 years as an electrical-craftsman; working the Manufacturing, the Melting shop, and the Production, the Rolling Mills and Finish, In November 1978, I changed employment from BSC Panteg to Pilkington Fiberglass, Pontyfelin, in Cwmbran. During my employment at Fiberglass, I went from electrical-craftsman to senior control technician. During my employment, I was educated in management skills to the level of MBA.

After 38 years in engineering and many changes in the working environment I decide a change of employment was require to reduce the stress, tension anxiety and depression I decided to pursue my recent training I had started in massage therapy. I had taken up training in massage after being shown by a physiotherapist how they relieve myofascial muscle pain by trigger pointing; applying pressure to Myofascial knots to release the built up tension in small patch of clenched muscle fibres. My initial course was Indian head massage therapy, which is a clothed massage and concentrates on shoulders, neck, face and head, based on family massage in India This courses was followed by courses in Onsite Seated massage, Sports Massage and Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology On-Site Massage, is a type of massage that can be given at the client`s workplace. On-Site Massage is a twenty minute massage that is provided through the client`s clothes, with the client seated at their desk or on a massage chair,. hence the “On-Site” name.


Sports massage emphasizes prevention and healing of injuries to the ligaments, muscles and tendons. Sports massage therapy has been found to be beneficial for people with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion. Sports massage was developed to help athletes prepare their bodies for optimal performance, recover after a big event, or function well during training. Anatomy and physiology course provides knowledge of the structure and operation of the human body. This course is mandatory for anyone who plans to perform in the field of massage. The course provides therapists with the primary base required to help clients. I put these massage modules into practice by providing a mobile massage therapy service with a Clinic set up in the Football Factory, Avondale Industrial Estate, Cwmbran I then diversified, widening my scope with Aromatherapy massage therapy course Aromatherapy massage is Swedish massage therapy using base oil that contains essential oils, highly concentrated plant oils. During an aromatherapy massage, the essential oil molecules are inhaled or absorb through skin. They are to promote beneficial changes in the mind and body by affecting the limbic system, a region of the brain known to influence the nervous system. After eighteen months, I moved my clinic to Torfaen Business Centre, New Inn, so there was a waiting and treatment room and easy access and parking for clients. With the new clinic, a new goal was set, move to a higher level proficiency in providing massage and to be able to provided therapy to elite athletes. The goal was to achieve a Level 4 Sports massage therapy qualification The Level 4 Sports Massage Course provide the skills and knowledge to work with a wide range of people from recreational to the elite athlete using comprehensive assessment and advanced treatment techniques to treat and rehabilitate a wide range of conditions. Level 4 Sports Massage Course enriches therapists understanding of advanced anatomical, physiological and pathological principles relevant to the application of Sports Massage. It includes roles such as restorative and corrective massage using a range of basic and advanced techniques. Therapists’ learn how to plan and evaluate Sports Massage treatments to inform the provision of future treatments. My goal was achieved with a Level 4 Credit in Sports Massage Therapy, and the clinic was closed down because the mobile service took off. The use of the clinic diminished, making the clinic uneconomical and was close. The focus became the development of mobile massage therapy service, in Torfaen and neighbouring boroughs. After a break in training and focussing on building the business I returned to training and under took a course in Remedial massage diploma Remedial massage is effective to prevent and treat muscle injuries, pain and soreness. Remedial massage is based on the fact that soft tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia, respond to touch. Most pain origin is in the myofascial, soft tissue. Trigger points, sensitive points in muscles, which radiate or refer pain to various parts of the body, that can mimic many conditions. Muscles not only move our joints, they stabilise them, and they provide protection for the internal organs. Most headaches originate in the muscles of the neck and head. Much of the pain of such conditions as angina comes from the hypercontraction of the chest muscles. Trigger points in the abdominal and pelvic muscles can cause much abdominal and pelvic pain. Low back pain and sciatic pain are far more likely to originate in muscles than in vertebral disc problems. Where do I see my future going, my present goal is the achieve a Level 5 Clinical Massage Therapy qualification - blog post on corporate / onsite massage
mainGeoff Harper