Therapi Tylino is RE-OPENING from Monday 3rd August

August 2020 COVID-19 update

Therapi Tylino is RE-OPENING from Monday 3rd August

There will be changes and NEW procedures for COVID-19 safety precautions for clients and myself.

The new protocol will start with a phone call before the appointment to check on the clients to inquire about whether they are healthy.

On arrival, I will be wearing a face screen, mask, and plastic coverall.

I will give my client a facemask to wear, and there will be no handshaking on arrival or leaving.

I will take the temperature of clients with a non-contact thermal reader and record the results.

No signature will be required, records will be held on a mobile tablet to minimise contact.

Clients will be asked to be on their own during the treatment session.

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The couch and face rest will be cleaned before and after treatment, with a suitable clean product. The couch will be covered with a paper couch cover and the face rest will be covered with a separate disposal towel. The disposable PPE, couch cover, and towel will be disposed of in a suitable way outlined by COVID guidelines issued by the government.

I will wash or sanitise my hands before and after entering the client's home. My car will also be vaporised with a suitable cleaning product, both morning and evening. The driver’s area of the car will be wiped down as well. This is to ensure the elimination of any possible contaminants.

These procedures are for everyone's safety. This is to help reassure and forewarn all clients in what to expect from my services going forward.

The good news is that massage treatments will be maintained to the highest standard that clients have come to expect prior to COVID-19 lock-down.

I am looking forward to meeting my clients again after this unprecedented break.
