Massage therapy has wonderful benefit.

Massage treatments are non-invasive, and a method to help improve a person's well-being and quality of life, alleviate the symptoms of many age-related diseases. With thousands of baby boomers now retiring every day, they will benefit from massage treatments,

What the research studies show about massage therapy; the industry has come a long way

The research studies show that massage therapy for seniors can be advantageous for several disorders associated with aging. Massage treatments can also deepen sleep, relieve headaches, boost blood and lymphatic flow and speed healing from illness,

In 2012 research, found a massage treatment over a six weekly sessions on the mature provided immediate and long-term improvement in postural stability. A 2011 research study revealed that massage could be beneficial in aiding lowering blood. Massage significantly reducing the blood pressure of women with prehypertension. A 2010 study found massage promoted relaxation in patients, lessening verbal aggressiveness and improved nonverbal behaviours. A 2008 study discovered that hand massage decreased agitated behaviours,

Studies indicate that massage can alleviate agitation. Research published in 1995 in found slow-stroke back massage reduced manifestations of agitation, including wandering, pacing and resisting.

Massage therapy has been a wonderful addition to complement their traditional medical services. Baby Boomers can experience a decrease in pain, more energy and an over-all sense of well-being. Massage therapy participants have source massage to alleviate problems due to Parkinson's disease, poor circulation, diabetes osteoarthritic and arthritic pain and sciatica.

The positive effects of massage rest on sound science. Massage treatments have been proven to effect blood and lymph circulation and the nervous system. These systems are exceptionally vulnerable to the effects of aging. Massage naturally stimulates these systems in a pain-free way; there are no side effects that are present in many medications. This is important for those who are being treated for Parkinson's disease, diabetes, depression anxiety and many other conditions requiring specific medications. In many cases, a regular once a week massage enabling the reduction in prescription medications. Massage aids strengthening of weakened muscles from disuse and helps reduce pain and stiffness in the wrists, elbows, shoulder, ankles, knee and hip joints.

Many age-related conditions can be improved with a weekly massage session. Research has shown that even people living with chronic conditions such as Parkinson's disease respond positively to the skilled hands of a professional massage therapist.

Studies have determined that massage treatment is safe and cost-efficient. Massage treatment session enhances health and wellness for so many.

Massage therapy provide widespread benefit.

The massage offers the following benefits:

• Improvement of the quality of life and self-esteem.

• Speeds up healing from injury and illness.

• Improvement in quality of sleep.

• Mental and physical relaxation.

• Relief of stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness.

• Alleviation of headaches and pain.

• Restoration of mobility.

• Improvement in lymphatic flow, which increases the excretion of toxic substances from the body.


mainGeoff Harper